Saturday, January 10, 2009


Here we are . . . finally! Gradual Limbo is thrilled to offer you the latest and greatest in mind-fucking, eardrum-bludgeoning, head-spinning extraterrestrial aural erotica from NASA SPACE UNIVERSE! Check out the artwork by Will Kaufman! WOW! This slab comes with a double sided, 11x17 fold out poster, too. For fans of Die Kreuzen, Satan, comic books, sci-fi, Melvin van Peebles, Butthole Surfers, and the apocalypse.

$6 ppd. Contact for info. Wholesale rates available.



"I love music that sounds like its makers only have a loose grip on sanity. “Ravenous slime scratches out contorted portraits/Expressions swirling dripping fading and amorphous.” That’s one of the more sensible lyrics the singer spits out in his throaty sneer. All the while, the guitar player isn’t so much playing guitar as he is sonically flagellating the rest of the music. I wouldn’t be surprised if the drummer and the bass player where drooling and bleeding from their ears when they recorded this. –MP Johnson (Gradual Limbo)"


"Six tracks of breakneck thrash with quirky breakdowns and raw snotty SoCal vocals. It's basic 80's skatepunk with a psychedelic twist to keep things weird. The artwork is pretty cool, but is that a drawing of the band in blackface? (AM)"

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